Foreign Company

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Foreign Company Registration in Zimbabwe

The current Zimbabwean government has stressed repeatedly that it welcomes foreign businesses to open branches, its main marketing strategy tag line being that “Zimbabwe is open for business”.

Despite this assurance, there are many regulations to comply with.

What is a Foreign Company

“Foreign Company” means a company or other association of persons incorporated outside Zimbabwe which has established a place of business in Zimbabwe;

                   Companies and Other Business Entities act [Chapter 24:31]

Requirements for Foreign Company Registration

1. Zimbabwean Director

At least 1 Zimbabwean Director who ordinarily is a resident of Zimbabwe.

Proxy Director Services

We offer proxy director services for Companies with no Zimbabwean director.

Our fee for a local ‘proxy’ director is US$150; this includes a dedicated director named on the CR 14. If you intend for the director to carry on general director duties, for example, opening bank accounts, registering for tax and doing all general director work as instructed by the client, there is an extra fee of 20USD per assignment.

2. Zimbabwean Registered Office Address

Registered Office Address Service

We offer registered office services for Companies with no Zimbabwean registered office.

Our fee for registered office is US$29 per year. The office exists to receive all official communication on behalf of the clients. We however offer boardroom and meeting room services.

3. Copies of the Company’s charter, statutes or Memorandum and Articles or other instrument constituting or defining its constitution.

If the documents are in a foreign language they should be translated and notarized.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to register a foreign Company in Zimbabwe?

It usually takes between 1 month to 1.5 Months depending on the registry workload.

I was very much impressed by how quickly the process went through. All the quiries were solved promptly and with professionalism.

Kudakwashe Motsi

Director, Kumotsi


Zimbabwe Companies Registry website is owned by Companies Made Easy a Numeri Inc company a company registered in Zimbabwe at Pockets Building, 50 Jason Moyo Avenue, 2nd Floor, Room 208 & 209, Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe. Companies Made Eas offers company registration and related services in Zimbabwe.

Tel: +263 (0242) 753 168
Mob: +263 715 142 498
Mob: +263 786 580 543

Company No: 15985/2019
BP No: 185 8695 41

Copyright 2023 © Numeri Inc.


We are a registered company registration agent with the Deeds, Companies & Intellectual Property (DCIP) which registers company registration agents in Zimbabwe.

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