Private Business Corporation Executive Package

Private Business Corporation Executive Package Registration Form

  • If you are on a mobile device please don't use Opera Mini as it will fail to submit. Only fill in information relevant to your company.

Your Personal Details




Proposed company names


Company addresses


Company core objectives (what you intend to do)


Company members details


    Member 1


    Member 2


    Member 3


    Member 4


    Member 5


    Any special instructions/comments

    • After submitting, we will review the form and contact you.



    Zimbabwe Companies Registry website is owned by Companies Made Easy a Numeri Inc company a company registered in Zimbabwe at Pockets Building, 50 Jason Moyo Avenue, 2nd Floor, Room 208 & 209, Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe. Companies Made Eas offers company registration and related services in Zimbabwe.

    Tel: +263 (0242) 753 168
    Mob: +263 715 142 498
    Mob: +263 786 580 543

    Company No: 15985/2019
    BP No: 185 8695 41

    Copyright 2023 © Numeri Inc.


    We are a registered company registration agent with the Deeds, Companies & Intellectual Property (DCIP) which registers company registration agents in Zimbabwe.

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