PBC Packages

Select a PBC package that’s right for you.

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Private Business Corporation Packages

These packages can be tailor made as per clients’ request.

Note *All our packages include companies registry fees.

*Our packages do not include shipping and handling.

Find our payment methods here.

Prefer to order by telephone?

If you are not confident ordering your company online - call, text or WhatApp our friendly team and we will complete your order by telephone.

Prefer to order by telephone?

If you are not confident ordering your company online - call, text or WhatApp our friendly team and we will complete your order by telephone.

Frequently asked questions

How long will it take to complete the whole process?

It will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete our online company application form. You will receive your copy of your application form in your email. We will then lodge your company application with the Companies Registry. The companies registry usually takes between 12- 15 working days to register the company – this time is however dependent on the registry workload, and sometimes it can take longer. If you need your company to be formed as soon as possible or on a certain date, it is advisable you communicate with us so as make an arrangement.

What is the best company structure?

A private limited company is always the best. It is the most well known company structure and meets all the requirements to do business with other businesses. A private business corporation has some short comings,

Do I need to sign anything?

The members of a Private Business Corporation need to sign the CR28 before we submit with the Companies Registry. We will however make an arrangement on how the documents will be delivered and collected.

What is a bank advice note?

This is the Authorization from ZIMRA needed to open a business bank account in Zimbabwe.

Is a tax clearance a mandatory requirement to start trading?

A tax clearance is not necessary to start trading. However, you can not open a bank account without a tax clearance. Also most companies will not conduct business with a company that is not tax compliant ( i.e. without a tax clearance).

What are ZIMRA requirements for company registration?

  • Certified company documents;
  • Certified copies of directors I.D’s;
  • Director’s email addresses;
  • Proof of residence for every director in form of utility bill (attach affidavit if proof of residence is not in director’s name; &
  • Stamped current bank statement of one of the company director’s.

What are PBC-By Laws?

PBC By-laws are the governing rules by which a Private Business Corporation operates. When a PBC is registered, the first act of the members must be to create the by-laws, which is a document encompassing all the rules.

What are share certificates & what do they show?

The Zimbabwean law requires that all companies issue share certificates to every shareholder. Share certificates show how many shares each shareholder owns.

Do I need a lawyer or accountant or lawyer to register a company?

No. You do not need a lawyer or accountant to register a company in Zimbabwe. They tend to be expensive. You can register your company using our website from as little US$55 saving you thousands of dollars in legal or accountancy fees.

Zimbabwe Companies Registry had the most competitive company registration packages. Their pricing is fair and what you receive on each registration package is clearly spelt out.

Hubert Masango

Founder, Infernotech


Zimbabwe Companies Registry website is owned by Companies Made Easy a Numeri Inc company a company registered in Zimbabwe at Pockets Building, 50 Jason Moyo Avenue, 2nd Floor, Room 208 & 209, Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe. Companies Made Eas offers company registration and related services in Zimbabwe.

Tel: +263 (0242) 753 168
Mob: +263 715 142 498
Mob: +263 786 580 543
E-mail: info@zimbabwecompaniesregistry.org

Company No: 15985/2019
BP No: 185 8695 41

Copyright 2023 © Numeri Inc.


We are a registered company registration agent with the Deeds, Companies & Intellectual Property (DCIP) which registers company registration agents in Zimbabwe.

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